Because I love to share things that make me happy, I have decided to share my family’s pepperoni roll recipe. These little pillows of warmth, love, and flavor are delicious.

There are two ways these can be made… the easy way or the really easy way. I will share both.
The ingredient list
- 2 Cups Warm Water
- 1 1/2 TBL Yeast
- 1 1/2 TBL Sugar
- 5-6 Cups White Flour (don’t try to be healthy by using wheat flour, it will turn out gross)
- 2 tsp Salt
- (Really easy way- just buy freezer roll dough instead of the above ingredients, but come on, you aren’t that lazy.)
- Pepperoni (not ham or sausage, they are not as good, don’t do it)
- Grated mozzarella cheese
- Pam (not your Aunt, but the non-stick spray)
- Baking sheet (or two or three… depending on how many times you double this recipe, once your friends and family find out you are making them)
- Oven (I suppose you could cook these on a stick over a fire… but cooking times may vary, and they might taste a bit smoky)
- Make dough (unless you are using the really easy method, in that case, skip to step 9)
- Pour 2 cups warm water into mixer (with a dough hook)
- Add 1 1/2 TBL yeast
- And 1 1/2 TBL sugar
- Let the water, yeast and sugar mingle (no need to stir) and bubble up
- After 3 to 5 minutes, add 2 cups of flour and mix for a minute
- Turn off the mixer and add 2 tsp salt and another cup of flour
- Turn the mixer back on and keep adding flour until the dough forms a ball and stops sticking to the sides of the bowl (you could go old school, and do it by hand on the counter. Just keep adding flour until it is not sticky and it becomes elastic-y)
- Dump the dough on a clean floured counter top and wait. I usually let the dough rise for like… 5 minutes (it probably should be longer, but I never wait. I don’t like waiting for dough to rise, I have pepperoni rolls to make… and eat!)
easy dough - Turn on the oven to… like 400 degrees (or 425, if the balls of dough are small, and you are impatient, and your oven cooks a little slow).
- Get out the cheese and pepperoni and get ready to rock and roll.
The Star Ingredients - Grease baking sheets (or use those cool silpat mats)
- Take a ball of dough (the size of an egg) and flatten it in your palm
- Then put cheese in it
mmmm, cheese - Now add the 2 or 3 slices of pepperoni, on top of the cheese
- Close and pinch dough around cheese and pepperoni (so no one can see the surprise inside)
I can almost taste it… - Put dough ball on greased baking sheet, pinched side down (so the top looks pretty)
It’s ok if they are weird or bumpy - Make more… lots more
- Once the baking sheet is full, put those beautiful doughy balls in that hot oven
- Sit patiently right in front of the oven and watch them bake for about 15 minutes (or if you are an overachiever, you can clean your kitchen while you wait)
cheesy explosion - Use a hot pad (or towel, if you are opposed to hot pads, like me), to take them out of the oven when they are golden brown on the top and bottom
- Let them cool for 5 minutes, or you will most certainly burn your taste buds and not be able to taste food for a few days (and your kids will hear words that a good parent is not supposed to say in front of her kids)
Eat them, share them, and take them on road trips.

Personally, I like to eat these with homemade potato broccoli soup (water, potatoes, broccoli, milk, cheese, salt and pepper). Let me know if you need that recipe too!