
Two Roads

April 21, 2017 The Road Not Taken Robert Frost, 1874 – 1963 Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere… Read More Two Roads


Bad nails

We moved this week. It was difficult and painful and all of my fingernails are broken. I don’t really think that a broken fingernail is a big a deal, but when ALL ten are broken… AND filed down to the skin, that’s different. My hands are dry and rough. I feel like a teenager battling… Read More Bad nails


Church felt good

April 11, 2017 I had always tried to lead a Christlike life. I read the scriptures and listened to my religious leaders. I dutifully obeyed. I didn’t question (very much). I wanted the same belief and obedience for our children. My husband and I frequently and regularly taught classes at church to the youth. We… Read More Church felt good


What’s for breakfast?

April 07, 2017 I LOVE breakfast. I wake up hungry. No… starving.My husband thinks I’m crazy. He would not even dream of eating breakfast before 10 am, but then technically, it’s not even breakfast, it’s brunch.My ten year old son takes after me. He is so concerned with the meal the following morning, that he… Read More What’s for breakfast?


When it slowly started to unravel…

April 05, 2017 In the summer of 2011 our family decided to take a trip out East. We went for a family reunion in Navoo. We wanted to show our kids the sacred place where the Mormon began. As we took our kids to the Pageant (where they act out parts from the Book of… Read More When it slowly started to unravel…


One year ago

April 04, 2017 Today is the one year anniversary. One year ago today, I was a Mormon. My husband was a Mormon AND the leader of our local congregation (called a Bishop). I took my seven kids to church for (at least) three hours every Sunday. Most of my friends were Mormon. Most of my… Read More One year ago